Monday, June 10, 2013

"TRUF" is Not The Truth!


Before we go any further, no, this post has nothing to do with Paul Pierce.
     Now I will be the first to admit that there has always been a delicate line of what constitutes rebellion and vandalism when it comes to graffiti art. I know when I have facilitated youth workshops on Hip-Hop, or even when teaching my own babies about the element of Graff writing, I find myself carefully choosing my words when attempting to contextualize what constitutes protest art and what is vandalism. No matter how carefully I parse my words depending the on the time, location, and perspective in which Graffiti is being viewed, the line between art and vandalism will always be debatable.

    That said, I do know vandalism when I see it. For real though, writing shit just for the sake of doing it, or as an pathetic attempt at appearing a young contrarian, by no means makes one a Graff writer. Especially if it is some bullshit, weak ass, bubble letters that have no artistic or socially redeeming value.
    Well, I’m here to call bullshit on a wack ass vandal in the Norfolk section of Ghent who shamelessly utilizes the tag “TRUF.”  This “writer” has over the past eight to nine months become a nuisance to the community.
     To date this vandal has tagged the façade of two of the oldest condo buildings in this historic neighborhood, a local restaurant, and a Lutheran Church that services community by providing food and recreational activities to those truly in need. Recently while walking back from my favorite juice spot I noticed “TRUF” had hit “the jeep.” The jeep is a converted mail truck that is a ubiquitous part of the community landscape that can assuredly be found parked in front of the local free trade coffee shop. This is unnecessary destruction of private property in no way constitutes Graffiti art.
    There is nothing socially or politically redeeming in “TRUF’s” bullshit. Not only is there nothing redeeming in these cowardly acts but “TRUF’s” actions unfortunately serve to sully the reputation of true Graffiti artist. So while assholes like this run free far too many real artist are regulated to being defined as criminals.
     True Graffiti art should be reserved for strategic public spaces with the intention of beautifying an environment or giving a platform for the voices of those who feel muted from the broader society. That is why Graff artist of the early eighties bombed dilapidated buildings bringing beauty to the blight of their crumbling neighborhoods. The bombing of subway cars was an attempt to use the public transportation to carry their names and street throughout the five Burroughs. Today Graff artist such as Bansky are quite particular in their public displays while many Graff artist are afforded spaces to explore their art and express their outrage while receiving proper recognition.
    The “TRUF” does nothing but create eye sores in an otherwise eclectic and artsy section of the city. “TRUF’s” antics are reminiscent of those of “SPITS” from the movie Beat Street. For those that don’t know, in the movie SPIT would vandalize recently done pieces by true Graffiti artist.
      One can only make presumptions of what narcissistic shortcomings prevail on jerks like this to undertake such fuckery. So at the risk of sounding like the proverbial old guy telling the kids to get off his lawn, TRUF, for real, just stop it! Really! Just fucking stop! Because the truth of the matter is “TRUF” you ain’t shit.

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